MSI Wrapped

  • wrappedInstallerArgs String | “undefined” - Extra arguments to provide to the wrapped installer (ie: /S for silent install)
  • impersonate = false Boolean - Determines if the wrapped installer should be executed with impersonation
  • upgradeCode String | “undefined” - The upgrade code. Optional, by default generated using app id.
  • warningsAsErrors = true Boolean - If warningsAsErrors is true (default): treat warnings as errors. If warningsAsErrors is false: allow warnings.
  • additionalWixArgs Array<String> | “undefined” - Any additional arguments to be passed to the WiX installer compiler, such as ["-ext", "WixUtilExtension"]
  • oneClick Boolean
  • perMachine = false Boolean - Whether to install per all users (per-machine).
  • runAfterFinish = true Boolean - Whether to run the installed application after finish. For assisted installer corresponding checkbox will be removed.

  • createDesktopShortcut = true Boolean | “always” - Whether to create desktop shortcut. Set to always if to recreate also on reinstall (even if removed by user).
  • createStartMenuShortcut = true Boolean - Whether to create start menu shortcut.
  • menuCategory = false Boolean | String - Whether to create submenu for start menu shortcut and program files directory. If true, company name will be used. Or string value.
  • shortcutName String | “undefined” - The name that will be used for all shortcuts. Defaults to the application name.